Notice: Unexpected clearActionName after getActionName already called in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Wiki\includes\context\RequestContext.php on line 321 Times New Roman - Lessons in Love
“Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either.”
WARNING: this Event is part of an Event Chain! You've lost all control over your own actions and must now sit back while
someone else takes the wheel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, and hope that you did things right before taking the plunge!
“I don't even know why puzzles have to exist in this stupid game.”
This Event is a puzzle, requiring you to put what you've learned to the test. This page, and all others like it, are free of hints and will remain that way in order to respect Selebus' creative vision. You're on your own.
This Event takes place in the following locations:
Sensei's "House"
Having ended up back home, Sensei is forced to come up with a way to make dinner now that Ami is gone. Suddenly, a voice from the PA system recommends he stays inside, because if he steps outside, it will break the world and he won't be able to handle it. With that information, Sensei decides on how to spend his day.