
Revision as of 20:41, 18 September 2024 by V (talk | contribs) (Revision of the synopsis.)
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"Doomsayer" is an Event for Ayane Amamiya. This Event starts an Event Chain.

Previous Event: ...But Home is Nowhere
Next Event: As You Wish



To get this event

Upon fulfilling all Requirements, this Event automatically occurs on Friday Morning.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.



This Event takes place in the following locations:


Sensei is on his way to the Amamiya estate to attend Ayane's meeting in regards to the time loop. While he isn't optimistic that anything will come from it, he still intends to take it serious out of respect for Ayane's commitment.

Now in her room, Ayane has to deal with Sensei and Makoto's comments while she holds her presentation, recapping the few pieces of information they managed to gather as well as revealing two theories she managed to come up with:

  • First, only three people were carried over between resets so far, namely Sensei and two different girls with full awareness, which makes her believe that three is the maximum amount of people that can carry over; This theory is unproven as of yet, but Ayane still issues a warning to be wary of numbers bigger than three.
  • Second, if a fourth person reaches the rooftop, the person who has "survived" the longest will be replaced by them, which is why she assumes Maya was reset when Makoto managed to reach the rooftop during the last reset. This would also mean that Sensei might be the next one to "die" if anyone else reaches the rooftop.

Ayane isn't sure how valid those theories are, but she still finds it necessary to spell them out so everyone keeps their expectations low, remembers they're still mortal in a different sense and, therefore, cherishes every day they have together.

Hearing this, Makoto points out how they're only one person away from losing Sensei and, if her theories turn out to be correct, they need some form of countermeasure, which Ayane already thought about and her solution is trying to recruit someone who is capable or able of keeping their cool when thrown into the chaos that is the time loop. After reviewing past experiences and personal bonds, her list consists of Maya, Tsuneyo, Yumi, Sana, Miku, though Makoto tells her to leave her out since she wouldn't be able to understand it, Nodoka, and Noriko.

Sensei is glad she included Noriko, because his recent conversation with her gave him both the hope that Maya's memories might return like his and the knowledge that Noriko is aware of Maya's changes. While he doesn't believe in the former, the latter is noteworthy due to Noriko being the only "normal" girl who noticed them, which Ayane agrees with and reveals that Noriko telling her about their conversation was the catalyst for her current plan.

Makoto wants to know what that plan is, but Ayane has one more thing she needs to tell them – She assumes another reset will occur soon. While she hasn't picked up on any signs for it or knows what these signs feel like, she reminds them how it's already six months since the last one, meaning a reset might occur any day now and, therefore, they have to act quickly.

With the next beach trip coming up, Ayane explains that her plan will take place during it, which is revealed to be another slumber party, which will take place in Sensei's room in the beach inn. For this to work, Sensei has to convince Ami to stay home, while Ayane will convince the girls from their list to attend. Despite not being ready to be with his class again, Sensei agrees to help Ayane with her plan.

With this, the meeting is over and Sensei walks home alone to mentally prepare himself. Back home, he spends the rest of the day with Ami to make up for leaving her behind with someone else.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Doomsayer
  • Event Script Name(s) = beachfive3
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • ayanepresentation

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • notabluearchivesong.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .42.0.