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This Event is explicit in nature, so for the dual purpose of preventing any potential issues on the part of the domain host and the desire to prevent these special Events from being spoiled, the page has been made intentionally vague. If you wish to find out what happens in this Event specifically, play up to this point!
“Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either.”
WARNING: this Event is part of an Event Chain! You've lost all control over your own actions and must now sit back while
someone else takes the wheel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, and hope that you did things right before taking the plunge!
Once they're back in his room, Sensei and Yumi are approached by Ayane, who wants to know how their talk went, and they tell her that Yumi is "aware" again, but her knowledge about the time loop hasn't returned.
Since she's soaking wet from the rain, Yumi quickly leaves them to take a shower, and Ayane gets closer to Sensei to tell him that Sana is "aware" as well, how they talked about their earlier discussion and informs him about a recent talk they had about him. Sensei tries to explain it, but Ayane doesn't need him to since she isn't that bothered by it and the biggest effect it has on her is that she needs another notebook soon.
Sensei wants to know if Noriko is also "aware" and if they should try Tsuneyo again, even though what happened during their visit at her restaurant might make that a bit weird, but Ayane reveals she already tried talking to Tsuneyo and didn't had any success with her, and Noriko is still unaware, which is why she and Makoto abandoned that talk and started playing chess instead.
After some brainstorming about their situation and next steps, Ayane thanks him for sacrificing his sanity to help her, but suggests a simpler way to show it. While he thinks he knows what she means, he's proven wrong when she asks him for shampoo, which he doesn't have. Suddenly, Noriko approaches them to complain about their closeness, and Ayane relents and decides to join Yumi in the bathroom, with all the girls deciding to take a shower together. Meanwhile, Sensei decides to wait until they're done, though has to endure the usual presence of Pareidolia.
After thirty minutes of resistance, Sensei decides to take a shower after Ayane confirms that the bath is empty. He thinks about the next, inevitable reset, though is sure that it won't come this night, the prospect of more girls becoming "aware", and what would happen once all of them are, though it ends up with him realizing that they would be imprisoned in a world where they can't move on with their lives.
Once he's done showering, Sensei spends some time with Ayane to reward her for her efforts.