This Event is explicit in nature, so for the dual purpose of preventing any potential issues on the part of the domain host and the desire to prevent these special Events from being spoiled, the page has been made intentionally vague. If you wish to find out what happens in this Event specifically, play up to this point!
“Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either.”
WARNING: this Event is part of an Event Chain! You've lost all control over your own actions and must now sit back while
someone else takes the wheel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, and hope that you did things right before taking the plunge!
While Sensei gives Maya some of the attention she was craving, albeit rather disinterested and passive-aggressively, Nodokathon enters it's final round with Makoto and Molly being the last two contestants. The last contest tests the participant's flexibility – Nodoka prepared three tools to see who's more flexible, and while it's intended as a simple one round contest, there is a second round planned if one contestant demand a rematch or if a tie-breaker is necessary.
The result will depend on Makoto:
If her stats are high enough, she agrees to participate. Molly begins, and while she's doing it, Makoto wants to know from Nodoka what the end goal of her event is, assuming she only does it to satiate her curiosity. She tells her that, while it's definitely a secondary goal of hers, her primary goal is to help those around her by "confusing time itself". She explains that the world they live in is chaotic and nonsensical, and in order to create a more logical one, the rules and logic of the current world need to be bend and distorted. Once this is done to a degree that nature, science and gods abandon them, she will be free and can finally understand her mother's words, though when Makoto wants to know more about her, Nodoka ignores her and encourages Molly, who's struggling with the second tool, to give in. Molly stops shortly after, and Makoto's turn begins, which ends with her winning with ease. Molly asks for the rematch, but she's once again beaten by Makoto.
If her stats are too low, Makoto refuses to participate and leaves the club, with most of the girls agreeing to call it a night, making Molly the winner by default.
With the contest over, a narrator notes how Sensei would've loved to witness this second war, but how he himself had an unforgettable night himself.