Characters/Uta Ushibori

Uta Ushibori
Personal Information
Surname Name Ushibori Uta
Birthday (Age) August 1st (n/a)
Type of Character Main
Additional Information
Hair Color unknown
Eye Color unknown
Height 4′ 11′′ (149cm)
Job(s) Maid at Maid Cafe
Hobby(s) unknown
Like(s) unknown
Dislike(s) unknown
Family unknown
Affiliation unknown
First Appearance FLAVOR BEAM!
Notes unknown

Uta Ushibori is part of the Main Cast of in Lessons In Love.


She's originating from and presumably born and raised in Nara. She moved to Kumon-Mi to take care of her sick grandpa. Following the shutoff of Kumon-Mi from the world, she's been attending Kumon-Mi Academy until it's sudden collapse. She's been transfered from Wakana Watabe's class to Sensei's class following the same event. Her first introduction also depict her working in the Maid Cafe.


Uta is most notiable through an easily excited personality. She's easily hyping herself and can be described as bubbly. However, she mentioned herself as a very intrusive and blabbering person. A notable attribute would be her enjoyment of taking care of other people. She compared taking care of her cancer-sick grandpa with taking care "a cigarette-smoking baby four times her age".

She mentioned shopping beside being a maid as an active part time activity.


Memorable Quotes



