Visiting the cafe, Sensei walks in on another session of the Dungeons & Dragons campaign which was started during the beach vacation. He chooses to watch with Tsuneyo again rather than play. Haruka isn't there, or she might have something to say about Molly running a game in her cafe. After watching for a while, Sensei decides to head off — Molly is a bit upset that he wasn't having fun, but he assures her that it's just a matter of different people liking different things.
Zagull (Sana), Lidearel (Ayane), Nithhala (Rin), and Urrheak (Maya) return from the first session. We learn that Nithhala is a tiefling, and that Ami's previously unnamed wizard is called Arborea. Futaba, who was absent the first time, has a satyr character named Xessaxia.
Event References
Event Default Name = The Legacy of Thaum Pt. II
Event Script Name(s) = mollycafe20
Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.
The following background renders are used in this Event:
Music Tracks
The following music tracks are used in this Event: