Touch of Grey

"Touch of Grey" is an Event for Karin Kanda.

Previous Event: Wrong Places/Wrong Times
Next Event: Paranoid



  • Tuesday Morning
  • You must have seen or permanently missed the following Events:

To get this event

Upon fulfilling all Requirements, this Event automatically occurs on Tuesday Morning.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.


This event has no effects.


This Event takes place in the following locations:


The event shows a day in the life of Karin Kanda:

  • Due to the good weather, she decided to walk to school and get some exercise on the way, only to realize today is her teacher's birthday and she needs to buy some flowers for her. She also acknowledges her positive attitude while she goes.
  • In class, an English test is coming up, a test Karin is well prepared for even though she isn't that fond of the subject. She helps a classmate of hers by lending her one of the pencils she has in stock for everyone who might need one, but refuses to help others cheat, only providing them the opportunity to study with her next time.
  • In the school gym, she's surrounded by her peers from different sport clubs, all of which are asking for her support. She promises to help whenever she has time for them, but reminds them that she can't join any of their clubs officially since she's already committed to two clubs, which is the maximum amount.
  • On her way home, she usually helps out some elderly people across the street. This time she's helping Mrs. Okazaki, a widow who's age has caught up with her after her husband's death, and while Karin offers to call her a cab to help her, she refuses and suggests she saves the money for her future husband, believing she will be a fantastic wife one day, but a flustered Karin doubts it.
  • At a grocery store, she picks up some vegetables for today's dinner, making sure she buys local products over imported goods, which are still being frequently delivered from the outside world despite the lockdown. She notes how she wants to support everyone she can to create a better world, even if it makes her look like a pushover.
  • At home, she sees Kirin lying on the couch, who's her usual dismissive, uncaring self in front of her. Her sister's behavior saddens her, because the one person she wants to support and impress the most doesn't appreciate her love or effort.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Touch of Grey
  • Event Script Name(s) = karinspring1
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • karinslife

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • fallishere.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .38.