Wake Me Up When It's Over

Revision as of 22:12, 2 October 2024 by Eknaz (talk | contribs)

"Wake Me Up When It's Over" is an Event for Yumi Yamaguchi. This Event is part of an Event Chain.

Previous Event: Frog Boy




To get this event

Autoplays after "Pros, Cons, and Countermeasures". This event belongs to an event chain started from "Doomsayer".

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.


This event has no effects.


This Event takes place in the following locations:


Leaving the inn, Sensei intends to find Yumi, who he assumes went to the same place they had their talk during Christmas. He's scared taking to her, not fearing her usual insults but the possibility that he can make her remember only for her to be reset again, which would also erase her feeling that she finally belongs somewhere. He isn't sure how accurate the latter is, but he hopes it is since Yumi is important to him, especially after she saved his life. He doesn't want to go too deep into this story, though, since the current story focuses on him, even though this story would be better if he finally got replaced.

With this thought, he finally approaches Yumi, who isn't pleased to see him. After her usual insults, Sensei states he has something he needs to tell her and begs her to listen as closely as she can, and when she asks what he'll do when she doesn't, he says that he'll kiss her, knowing that this will be the biggest motivation for her to listen. Before he can start, Yumi interrupts him and asks if they didn't already went through all this, specifically the talk on the beach and having her participate at a slumber party, a question which overwhelms Sensei.

Sensei points out how she couldn't remember anything from that time and wants to know why she suddenly can, and Yumi doesn't know since she can't remember anything clearly and only sees fragments of what she assumes are memories, mostly bad once. He asks what kind of memories returned to her, and she reveals it was him giving her detention, which she finds weird since she clearly remembers never getting those from him, which he confirms. He also makes a comment about those that make her mad and further enrages her by mentioning how her situation is similar to Nodoka's.

Yumi is furious but willing to listen to him, and he tells her how those feelings of deja vu are most likely memory fragments from different timelines and gives her a summary of the time loop and her involvement in it. Hearing this, Yumi wonders if he's going to make her remember any time she forgets this, and he promises to try, though warns her that things might change drastically between resets, which might end with him being replaced with a Sensei who gives her detention again. Scared by this prospect, she accuses him of messing with her, and he assures her he isn't doing it intentionally.

He just wants to make her aware of the fact that things might change between resets, so if her memories carry over between resets and he suddenly acts differently to the Sensei she knew, he wants her to remember that this different Sensei wouldn't be the one she currently knows. He also states how both of them only exist in this timeline and how he would hate it when the Yumi he knows will be like this with any other Sensei, which causes Yumi to blush and fall silent. Before she can say anything in response, a thunder strike interrupts her, and both are suddenly caught in a rain storm.

After taking shelter under a nearby wooden construct, Sensei wonders how Yumi being special will impact Ayane's plan and how she should be scared by this new development, until Yumi makes some comments on how they should've gone out in their swimsuits before she takes a seat and dries her hair. While Sensei sits next to her, he's glad that nothing is forcing him to take action this time, though that doesn't stop him from admiring her beauty. He then asks her what she wanted to tell him earlier, and she claims that she just wanted to remind him that he sucks regardless of which version she has to deal with, so him being replaced doesn't matter. With this, Sensei starts to act like his usual self, making Yumi uncomfortable, then embarrassed, and finally furious to the point where she tries to scratch his eyes out.

However, a sudden thunder strike interrupts her, and she stops with her face being very close to his. After both are frozen in place for a moment, Yumi meekly states on how they shouldn't do it right now, referring to kissing, and both decide to sneak back to his room. Unfortunately, neither of them noticed that Chika was watching them for an unknown amount of time and, feeling that her fears are confirmed now and thinking her best friend betrayed her, suffers an emotional breakdown.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Wake Me Up When It's Over
  • Event Script Name(s) = beachfive13
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • yumirain

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • goodmorning.mp3
  • littlebunny.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .42.0.