“Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either.”
WARNING: this Event is part of an Event Chain! You've lost all control over your own actions and must now sit back while
someone else takes the wheel. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, and hope that you did things right before taking the plunge!
“I’m begging you!”
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Sensei is awoken from his restless sleep by Ami, who's put on one of her mother's dresses in preparation for their trip to the cemetery today. On the ride, Ami recounts a dream where she got to dance with her mother.
Arriving at her parent's grave, Ami stares in silence before slowly working up the courage to start speaking. She slowly works her way through all the things that've happened since their last visit. She eventually loses her composure and silently cries. Her mother pays a brief visit.
Ami turns around and asks Sensei to say a view words of his own, but he decides not to. She then asks if the two of them can spend the whole day together, to which he agrees.