The Room With Clocks (Original)

Revision as of 12:07, 20 October 2022 by Antielfi (talk | contribs)

The Room With Clocks (Original) was Secret Event. It was the first Secret "Happy" Event introduced.

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Day 21 or later

To get this event

Visit the entrance to Room 5 after day 21.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.


This event has no effects.


This Event takes place in the following locations:


There is a room with clocks covering every wall. A girl, 61 6d 20 69 20 6f 6b 61 79, stands in the the corner, and she looks vaguely familiar. She welcomes Sensei to the edge of the world, and then "becomes an ornament". Sensei can't reach her because he's tied to a chair. 61 tells him that there's something buried underneath his feet, and the three two of them get to know each other. She tells him "つかれた", and he says that he is too. 61 repeats some of what she says earlier, then starts walking up the walls. Sensei can knock on a door and ask if [redacted] is in there, but there's no answer. He discovers, among other things, HM02 — and a mysterious hand appears to inject the HM into his thigh. 61 repeats her statement about a buried thing several times, and then starts vanishing and reappearing — this "goes on for hours". Sensei eventually dies, but a system reboot occurs and everything goes back to normal (with a request to "forget what you saw here").

Participating Characters



  • Regarded as the first of many, it is arguably the most iconic event. It is the most common first breaking point for players to get invested or leave and the first event to fully elicit the psychological horror element.

Event References

  • Event Default Name = The Room With Clocks (Original)
  • Event Script Name(s) = roomwithtrack
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.
  • Backgrounds

    The following background renders are used in this Event:

    • Unknown

    Music Tracks

    The following music tracks are used in this Event:

    • Unknown

    Event Changelog

    This Event was added in Update 0.1. This Event was removed in Update 0.24.