The Bare Minimum

Revision as of 16:06, 20 October 2022 by Antielfi (talk | contribs)

"The Bare Minimum" is an Event for Sana Sakakibara.

Previous Event: Nothing to Do
Next Event: Recluse



To get this event

Visit the Bar in the evening after all Requirements have been fulfilled.

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


Sensei arrives at the bar to have a drink, but is surprised to find that no one is in the bar at all, aside from Sana, who approaches and greets him. He asks her why the bar is dead, and she replies by saying the bar is almost always dead, and asks to sit with Sensei, which he ultimately agrees to.

Sensei remains silent as he 'begins' the lesson, waiting to see what Sana will do, but when she doesn't reply, he's forced to take charge of the conversation. Sana remains immensely nervous as she explains that she hasn't had the best of luck in regard to opening up lately, and Sensei decides she needs to be thrown to the wolves to learn better, so to speak, and has her go behind the counter while he plays the role of a difficult customer.

He demands a beer and a plate of spaghetti, which throws Sana for a massive loop, something he realizes when she starts crying mere seconds after the beginning of the act. Sensei immediately calls a halt to proceedings, giving Sana some critical advice on the restaurant and customer service industries, before he and Sana leave and go their respective ways for the night.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = The Bare Minimum
  • Event Script Name(s) = bar5
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • bareredux
  • barfive

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • calmbar.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update 0.2.

This Event underwent its latest major changes in Update 0.24.