Pressure Point

Revision as of 12:15, 11 October 2022 by Antielfi (talk | contribs)

"Pressure Point" is an Event for Osako Osaka.

Previous Event:




To get this event

Autoplay after Soup, or Another Year With You

To miss this event

This event is not missable.


There are no choices in this event.




This Event takes place in the following locations:


Sensei and Osako walk to the store. Osako is surprised that Wakana seems to get along with Sensei. She talks a bit about her relationship with Wakana, and says that she can't always predict what Wakana is going to do. She says that Wakana can feel "weirdly distant", and perhaps "doesn't completely understand how other peoples' feelings work". Osako admits to sometimes worrying that Wakana might change her mind about what she wants, although Sensei doesn't think that this is likely. Osako thanks Sensei for being a friend to Wakana, but also reminds him that if he tries anything, she knows lots of ways to kill him.

Participating Characters


Event References

  • Event Default Name = Pressure Point
  • Event Script Name(s) = osakodate1
  • Event Missed Name = This event is not missable.


The following background renders are used in this Event:

  • osakoconvenience

Music Tracks

The following music tracks are used in this Event:

  • thesleepingcity.mp3

Event Changelog

This Event was added in Update .19p1.