
Missing Name!
Personal Information
Surname, Name Surname, Name
Birthday (Age) Unknown (n/a)
Birthday (Age) redacte(d)
Type of Character Unknown
Additional Information
Hair Color unknown
Eye Color unknown
Height unknown
Job(s) unknown
Hobby(s) unknown
Like(s) unknown
Dislike(s) unknown
Family unknown
Affiliation unknown
First Appearance unknown
Notes unknown



Rows without information are omitted.

How to use this template:

|chartype=<[[Main Cast]], [[Side Cast]] or [[Mentioned Cast]]>
|affiliation=<Any groups character is part of or is affiliated with.>
|firstappear=<Event of first appearance>
|notes=<Any other short Note>


|chartype=[[Main Cast]]
|jobs=State Alchemist
|dislikes=* Being called short
* Stuff.
|family=* [[Alphonse Elric]] (Brother)
* [[Hohenheim Elric]] (Father)
* [[Trisha Elric]] (Mother)
|firstappear=[[First Episode]]
|notes=This is just an example!